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Do you have a question on palliative care?
What is Palliative Care? Is it a system of cure?
- Palliative care treats, prevents or relieves the symptoms of a serious or life-threatening illness, but is not a system of cure.
- Palliative care provides quality of life to the terminally ill or seriously ill patients through systematic medical approach.
What kind of support is given to the patient’s family members or caretakers?
- Palliative care extends beyond the patient.
- Support is through right knowledge and right counselling to family members to cope with emotional and social stress due to the illness of the patient.
Do you want to know about Geriatric care?
- Geriatric care is aimed at delivering comprehensive, whole-person care to aging patients with or without serious illnesses.
- Geriatric care requires integrating the disciplines of medicine, pain management, psychology and palliative care to cater to unique needs of aged with limited life expectancy
Should I live the rest of my life in Pain?
- You have to live with dignity and also die with dignity.
- A serious disease or accident may happen to anybody, at any time, irrespective of age, gender, economic or social background.
- Pain management, pain medicine, pain control uses an interdisciplinary approach for easing the suffering and improving the quality of life of those living with chronic pain. There may be non-pharmacological interventions too.
- Our Team of doctors and volunteers are trained to handle and relieve patient’s pain and keep them relaxed and comfortable.
Are you taking enough care of the elderly at home?
- The seniors or the elderly in our homes require specialised care, when they start experiencing difficulty with activities of daily living.
- Senility, failing eyesight, arthritis, memory loss, dementia, general weakness etc indicate a warning signal to recognise the need to keep a close eye on them to prevent further casualties.
- The first to notice are family members, who may take assistance from our foundation for home care or geriatric care.
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